Our business is based on a constant search for strong risk-adjusted returns, and a continuing relationship of trust with our investors.
Two of our most fundamental advantages are that we are privately owned and focus on credit. Because we are privately owned, we can take a long-term partnership approach to working with our investors, without the short-term thinking that so often dominates finance. Because we are focused solely on credit, we are strongly aligned with our investors as we cannot rely on other asset classes if our credit work is not sound.
We believe these two advantages – private ownership and a focus on credit – have allowed us to develop a depth, breadth and history of credit expertise that is difficult to replicate.
We have investment offices in 14 locations globally so that we can be close to the companies we lend to and can compare value across geographies. We have track records going back decades that demonstrate our ability to manage credit risk across multiple credit cycles. We have seasoned teams investing across the credit capital structure and liquidity spectrum, including private credit, high yield bonds, investment grade bonds, bank loans, CLOs, and aviation finance.
We manage the firm with a sense of responsibility. Responsibility to our employees meant that we did not let anyone go during the 2008 financial crisis, while much of Wall Street took a different approach. Responsibility to our investors means that we not only discuss the potential for returns, but also how to manage credit’s asymmetric risk. Responsibility to our communities means we worked with our investors on socially responsible portfolios long before ESG was in vogue.
We believe the ability to provide financing is a key contributing factor to the growth and development of the economic landscape, creating jobs and supporting families. Money is a powerful tool, and we have a deep fundamental view on how it should be used. Small and medium sized companies are the growth engines of the global economy. Yet these businesses can face high hurdles in obtaining financing. We believe that by providing the financing these companies need to function and flourish, and by partnering with them on that journey, has a direct benefit on the company as well as broader community. This ethos underpinned the launch of our private debt business and is a theme that continues to feature strongly across our private debt portfolios.